What is a Watermain?

    Watermains are a vital component of the water distribution system. These underground pipes are responsible for delivering a continuous and reliable supply of fresh and clean drinking water to various service connections, including residential properties, commercial buildings, and industrial facilities. 

    Watermains play a crucial role in ensuring that communities have access to potable water for daily needs such as drinking, cooking, bathing, and sanitation. They are designed to withstand the pressures of water flow and are typically made from durable materials like iron, steel, or plastic. The maintenance and regular inspection of watermains are essential to ensure the efficient and safe delivery of clean water to the consumers they serve.

    Will I have access to my property during construction?

    While the construction is underway, it is important to note that there may be some temporary disruptions in accessing your property. However, rest assured that the contractor will proactively inform you whenever there will be restrictions on access. They will also ensure that access is reinstated before the end of the working day, minimizing any inconvenience caused during the construction process.

    Will the contractor repair property damages due to construction?

    Yes, the City of Port Colborne has an “As good or better” policy where the contractor is required to replace and repair and damage caused during construction.